Which health metrics are available on Samsung, Pixel, Apple Watch, and Fitbit?

Empirical Health for Android and iOS supports 40+ health biomarkers, and is compatible with Samsung Galaxy Watches, Google Pixel Watches, Apple Watches, and Fitbits.

For each platform, we integrate with the device’s specific APIs — HealthKit on iOS, Android Health Connect on Android, and Fitbit’s API for Fitbit and Pixel watches.

Here’s a table of the health metrics we support on each device.

Sleep Score
Sleep duration
Sleep onset
Sleep quality
Core Sleep
Deep sleep
REM sleep
Maximum heart rate during sleep
Sleeping heart rate
Sleeping HRV
Sleeping blood oxygen
Breaths per min
Heart Rate Variability
Resting heart rate
Heart rate recovery
Heart Rate
Irregular Rhythm Notifications
Afib History
10-year Cardiovascular risk
Lifetime cardiovascular risk
Cardio (mins per week)
High Intensity Cardio
Strength Training (mins per week)
Wrist Temperature
Anxiety risk
Depression risk
Breathing disturbances
Sleep apnea events

When you install Empirical Health, you’ll be asked to choose your device and automatically be guided through the steps necessary to connect your device to Empirical Health. But if anything goes wrong, here’s a bit more detail on each device.

Fitbit health metrics

Empirical Health integrates directly with Fitbit watches, including special access to the intraday heart rate data to display a high-resultion heart rate chart. If your data isn’t showing up or is out of date, make sure your Fitbit app on your phone is open — otherwise your Fitbit may not sync heart rate, step count, oxygen, and other data to your Fitbit account (which means Empirical Health can’t access it).

Empirical is compatible with all supported Fitbit models, including the Versa, Sense, Inspire, and Charge. For troubleshooting steps, see the how to I connect my Fitbit or Google Pixel watch with Empirical Health.

Google Pixel watch

Google Pixel Watch tracks 29 health metrics. Some of these are stored in your Fitbit account, and some are stored in Android Health Connect, so Empirical Health integrates with both. When you choose Pixel Watch, you’ll be asked to both connect to Fitbit and Android Health Connect — both are necessary to have a full picture of your health.

Empirical is compatible with all Pixel watches, including the Pixel Watch 1, 2, and 3.

For troubleshooting steps, see the how to I connect my Fitbit or Google Pixel watch with Empirical Health.

Samsung Galaxy watch

Empirical integrates 24+ health metrics from Galaxy Watch which are synced to Android Health Connect. We’re working with Samsung to get more metrics supported through Samsung’s own specialized APIs, which provide access to things like ECGs and HRV.

For troubleshooting steps, see the how to I connect my Samsung Galaxy watch with Empirical Health.

Apple Watch

Empirical integrates 30+ health metrics from Apple Watch, including heart rate, HRV, oxygen, breathing disturbances / sleep apnea events, and more. All of these health metrics are stored in Apple’s HealthKit. When you install Empirical Health for iOS, you’ll be asked to connect to Apple Health, and then everything will work from there. Empirical is compatible with Apple Watch Series 3 and later.

For troubleshooting steps, see the how to I connect my Apple Watch with Empirical Health.

Other Android and WearOS watches

Empirical has been thoroughly tested with the watches above. However, if you have an Android or WearOS watch that supports Android Health Connect, Empirical Health will attempt to display your health data. If you try this and find it’s not working well (or that it’s working really well!), please let us know by emailing hello@empirical.health.

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